Business Advice

Trivial benefits, what you need to know
Trivial Benefits, What You Need To Know

Trivial benefits, what you need to know

In April 2016, new regulations were introduced allowing employers to provide 'trivial benefits' to employees without reporting them to HMRC. But what constitutes a trivial benefit, and how do you…

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758 513 Nathan Brady
Understanding benefit in kind
Understanding Benefit In Kind

Understanding benefit in kind

A Benefit in Kind is a non-cash perk provided by an employer to an employee. These benefits can vary widely, with one of the most notable being a company car.…

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758 513 Nathan Brady
Changes to National Insurance
Changes to National Insurance

Changes to National Insurance

National Insurance (NI) is a government initiative where contributions are paid by employers, employees and self-employed. The payment is used for various state benefits and services such as the NHS…

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758 513 Nathan Brady
Increases to minimum wage
Increases to Minimum Wage

Increases to minimum wage

April has bought a change in the national living wage; it has risen from £10.42 to £11.44 per hour. This applies to anyone who is 21 and over. The changes…

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758 513 Nathan Brady
Is outsourcing really a sensible option?
Is Outsourcing Really A Sensible Option

Is outsourcing really a sensible option?

Businesses are continually looking at ways to implement initiatives which save both time and reduce costs. If we look solely at accountancy firms, over the past 3 years there has…

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758 513 Nathan Brady
Are you aware of the changes to Companies Law?
Are You Aware of the Changes to Companies Law

Are you aware of the changes to Companies Law?

Companies Law applies to any business that is registered in the UK and sets out a business’s legal obligations, which they must comply to. There are a set number of…

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758 513 Nathan Brady
Why use cloud accounting software?
Why use cloud accounting software

Why use cloud accounting software?

Changes to the operational structure of a business can be challenging. Quite often a business owner will find success in doing something a specific way and in turn will be…

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758 513 Nathan Brady
Don’t fall for the fake tax refund messages
Don't Fall For The Fake Tax Refund Messages

Don’t fall for the fake tax refund messages

The HMRC (HM Revenue and Customs) are taking a very proactive approach in highlighting a spam campaign currently on the rise which relates to false tax refund claims. Although it…

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758 513 Nathan Brady
Are you aware of what Form 17 is?
Are You Aware Of What Form 17 Is?

Are you aware of what Form 17 is?

Form 17 is an official HMRC document used to declare what the income split will be on a property, which is jointly owned, so that the correct tax payments can…

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758 513 Nathan Brady

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