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Why use cloud accounting software
Why use cloud accounting software? 758 513 Stepping Stones Accountancy

Why use cloud accounting software?

Changes to the operational structure of a business can be challenging. Quite often a business owner will find success in doing something a specific way and in turn will be very reluctant to change. Let’s explore this more in the context of accountancy and why switching to cloud accounting software is so beneficial.

Historically a business would have several spreadsheets and lever arch files containing records of receipts and other important documents. They would be reluctant to change because they feel comfortable with the systems in place and all the team know what is expected of them. However, the biggest fear factor is the thought that moving everything on to a cloud accounting system would cause extra work and require lots of in-depth training.

The simple answer to any resistance is that using spreadsheets can be a slow and manual process, human inputting errors can be hard to identify, and you don’t have immediate access to important financial data which is important for any growing business. Persevering with old accounting methods can give competitors, who use a cloud accounting system, a far superior edge thanks to immediate access to financial data and greater insights into business performance.

Another key consideration is, what happens when things for wrong? For example, if something happens to manual files, how easily can they be recovered? A cloud accounting system can offer secure access from any type of device which is connected to the internet.

Here are some of the top reasons why a business should use cloud accounting software for their business:

  • Everything is secure as it is stored in the cloud. Data can be accessed 24/7, from any location if the user is connected to the internet.
  • No software needs to be installed on any machine and there is no ongoing maintenance required.
  • Upgrades to the system are handled automatically meaning that the user benefits from any new features that are introduced.
  • There are no specific hardware requirements just an annual license to the system so the costs for using the system are very low.
  • There is no need to use the services of an IT specialist to help with the set-up.

The advances in cloud accounting systems over the past 4 to 5 years have been incredibly comprehensive. The number 1 benefit is that the system continues to evolve and develop based on the specific needs of the users. This means the software provider will ensure the system continues to offer more and more advantages to all those businesses that are using it. It is scalable, offers lots of flexibility and gives a business accurate, real-time data.

The simple takeaway for anybody not using a cloud accounting system is that you should make the switch today. The solution will grow and change in line with the exact growth and changes that are happening within your business.

Once the decision has been made to start to use a cloud accounting system the next step is to clarify your specific requirements and make sure that you get the best option. These simple questions should help:

  • What are the day-to-day accounting activities that need to be completed?
  • What access levels and what number of users are required?
  • Which team members should be consulted when choosing a new system?
  • What is the best system based on our specific business needs (ask to see client case studies to demonstrate how the solution is being used by others)?

In conclusion, there are no negatives to stop a business from using a cloud accounting system.

Should you have any questions in regard to any aspects of cloud accountancy then the Stepping Stones Accountancy team can offer both help and support. Please call us on 01173 700 079 or e-mail

You can also book a free 20-minute call with Yarka –

Can A Smart Meter Help With Business Costs | Advice on Business Costs | Accountancy Advice Business Rates
Can a smart meter help with business costs? 758 513 Stepping Stones Accountancy

Can a smart meter help with business costs?

Staying on top of your costs is important for a small business and adopting a policy for best practice cost savings can be extremely beneficial. As the UK economy continues to fluctuate, we are seeing increasing utility charges. Focusing on running costs and energy usage should form an integral part of the businesses best practice cost saving policy.

Clearly staff have a responsibility for embracing cost savings, areas such as keeping temperatures to an optimum level, switching to energy efficient lightbulbs, switching off devices rather than leaving on standby and moving to a paper-free ethos are just some areas that can be focussed on. However, ultimately it is the business owner who must lead by example and make sure all the best practice savings are deployed.

Something which will help almost immediately is the installation of a smart meter. This device will allow better understanding and control of the business’s energy usage and costs. The UK Government are big advocates that the business community start to benefit from the introduction of smart meters.

A smart meter will provide real-time analysis on energy usage which is then fed directly back to the energy suppliers. This information can put a business owner in better control with greater visibility of how to make the business cleaner whilst also saving on running costs.

3 key benefits of why your business should install a smart meter:

  1. A smart meter gives immediate data which results in accurate billing. In essence, you will only pay for the energy that you use so from a budgeting perspective you can accurately predict your energy costs and help to successfully manage cashflow.
  2. You have total control and can easily manage every aspect of your energy usage.
  3. Not only do you benefit from real-time energy analysis, but you can also make use of historical data. The smart meter will give you access to energy statistics dating back 12 months. This helps with monitoring the success of cost saving activities that have been deployed and with budgeting.

Whilst we are not experts with the installation of smart meters, we are a firm of proactive accountants looking to help the small business community.

If you have any questions or need some help, please call us on 01173 700 079 or e-mail You can also book a free 30-minute call with Yarka –

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