A new VAT threshold for the hospitality sector
A New VAT Threshold for the Hospitality Sector | New VAT Threshold | What is VAT Threshold | Are the Different VAT Rates

A new VAT threshold for the hospitality sector

On 1st October a new VAT rate of 12.5% was introduced for the hospitality industry, this temporary rate now means certain businesses will have to deal with four different rates…

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758 513 Nathan Brady
A change in VAT charges as a result of Brexit
A Change In VAT Charges As A Result Of Brexit | VAT Help Brexit | VAT Advice

A change in VAT charges as a result of Brexit

As we prepare for the impact of Brexit, our European Union customers could be entitled to some VAT-free services. Any business that is expecting their taxable supplies to be less…

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758 513 Nathan Brady
VAT Charges for Online Marketplace
VAT Charges for Online Marketplace | VAT Advice for Selling Online | VAT Help Bristol | VAT Advice Online

VAT Charges for Online Marketplace

More and more people are setting up their own businesses as a result of COVID-19, whether it be because of redundancy or just taking a fresh look at life following…

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758 513 Nathan Brady

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